Verbs - Verbos
Classical Latin has four verb families, but in general three families exist among all romance languages. The third classical Latin family with verbs such as "facere", "capere" etc. has characteristics in common with the second and the forth Classical Latin family. Probably because of this the family dissolved those two into these two among the Romance languages
For this language in general we dissolve the third Classical Latin family into the second Classical Latin family. However we maintain the Classical Latin supine form and the past participle as one form: the past participle. Therefor we have "facere > facto", "capere > capto" etc..
Lo latino classico habebat quatro familias de verbos, magis in generale existent tres familias in quasi totas las linguas romanicas. La tertia familia latina classica cum verbos quomodo "facere", "capere" etc. habet characteristicas communes cum la familia secundo et la familia quarta latina classico. Probabilemente pro isto ista familia se dissolvebat in istas duas intra las linguas romanicas.
Pro ista lingua in generale dissolvemus la tertia familia latina classica in la secunda familia latina classica. Per-hoc mantenemus la forma supina et lo participio passato latino classico quomodo una forma: lo participio passato. Pro isto habemus "facere > facto", "capere > capto" etc..